The US Bureau of Reclamation’s Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project will restore ~48 miles of salmonid habitat by installing a fish screen and ladder and removing dams and conveyance systems located within the watershed.
Sequoia is currently managing a multidiscipline team providing environmental compliance support including special-status species surveys, noxious weed inventory, fish relocation, environmental compliance monitoring, and coordination, developing a comprehensive habitat and mitigation monitoring program, on-call technical assistance, and permitting support for Phase 2 of the project. This $3.5M+ effort, which started in 2020 and will continue through 2025, includes collaboration with multiple federal, state, and local agencies and project proponents to gain consensus on a stable design that will allow reclamation to move forward, minimizing and mitigating effects on fisheries in the Sacramento River watershed.
Construction Compliance and Biological Monitoring
Biological Resource Surveys